What can you do in 5 minutes?
Think about it. Does it take you longer to use the bathroom? Take a shower? Get dressed? Prepare lunch?
This is what my son did in 5 minutes, today:
In 5 minutes, my son got into the stash of Christmas and Hanukkah presents and start opening everything. Thankfully, he was so proud that he found a driedel, he stopped what he was doing and came out of his room. After disappearing for another 2 minutes, he came back with the packing material for the large box of Amazon presents. Thankfully, he thinks that poppers are fun in and of themselves and likes to pop the in front of me.
In the next few minutes that it took me to move all the presents from their prior location to a new, out of reach location, my son took the entire tube of toothpaste and smeared it all over his room. I came back into him room to discuss not opening presents, when I smelled an overwhelming scent of mint.
"Daaaaaniel!" I saw it on the walls first. Dripping light blue slime trails with silver sparkles.
"Daaaniel?" He pointed to the window sill. There in the sunlight was a silver dollar size blob of the. same, with a thin line that began to drip down the wall behind his bed.
I found it on a sock.
I found toothpaste footprints on the carpet.
And I found it on his comforter. I'll get the chunks, but that, he'll have to live with until the next time I have to clean it for a more serious, natural based mess.
5 minutes. Today.
It took longer than that to clean it up.
It took longer than that to write this.
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